Upstream Production - Oil & Gas
This introduction to the upstream sector of the petroleum industry introduces you to principles, definitions, and concepts regarding how production drilling and reservoir engineering activities bring oil and gas to the surface. The course also covers how the surface facilities and midstream transportation activities operate just ahead of the sales transaction point. You will learn about risks, technologies, investment decisions and operations in one of the world’s most important industries.

Learn about: Managing field development risk and the economic decisions of production; how geologists and engineers estimate the size of the discovery; how the industry develops a field for production; what techniques are used to optimize recovery from the reservoir over its lifetime; what processing is done to oil and gas at surface facilities; and finally how the product (oil, gas, condensate) is transported.
Topics include:
- Field development decisions & drilling technolog
- Reservoir engineering
- Transportation
- Drilling & how a well is planned
- Vertical vs directional vs horizontal drilling choices
- Key determinations in field development
- Reservoir engineering considerations for recovery optimization
- Special techniques to increase oil recovery
- Waterflooding
- Miscible gas injection
- Polymer-surfactant injection
- Thermal processes
- Surface facilities processing techniques and transport modes
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Price: 545$